As a contractor who schedules crews around the weather, the more weather data available, better decisions can be made. This being the most expensive weather app, youd expect it to be the best, right? I thought you get watch you pay for. Unfortunately, i feel like i wasted my money to find out myself. The precipitation radar picks up so much static, its hard to find the real rain actually hitting the ground. Its mess to look at and not as useful as I hoped. That same main radar always centers over the west coast when refreshing, then you have to drag and re-zoom to your current location. It crashes on other radars. Also, notifications have been turned off except the icon shows 64 new notifications. Its tough to stomach, but I may have to delete this $10 app for this gets annoying. This app doesnt serve my needs, and will go back using other premium weather apps.
dat Hemroid about Weather™